
Voting from Israel. Made Easy for 2024.

Register to Vote 2024!

Time Until 2024 U.S. Federal & State Mid-term Elections

Registered, But Didn’t Receive Your Absentee Ballot?

This counts in place of an Absentee Ballot. If you receive your ballot afterwards, you can always mail in your ballot and only one of them will count. Print, sign and mail your FWAB to your county board of elections or drop it off at the U.S. embassy on or by Election Day!

Who Can Vote from Israel?

American Olim

American citizens who have made Aliyah and are dual citizens have the right to vote in U.S. elections. Also, children of American citizens born abroad (even if they have never resided in the U.S.) have the right to vote in 18 States: Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

American Students

American citizens studying in university, yeshiva, midrasha or any gap-year program have the right to vote in U.S. elections.

American Tourists

American citizens who will be visiting Israel on Election day have the right cast their U.S. ballot from Israel.

Why Vote from Israel?

Secure America & Israel

American policy profoundly impacts Israel. Speak up for your freedom and help safeguard America and Israel.

Benefit Your Future

Voting is power. Participate in the democratic process and assert your views because American politicians are listening.

Absentee Ballots Can Tip the Election

Sometimes an election comes down to a handful of votes. Thousands of of absentee ballots can tip the results.

It's Easy

We've streamlined the process to make overseas U.S. voting as painless as possible.

How to Vote from Israel?

Sign Up

Sign Up

Click REGISTER TO VOTE. Use the online wizard to complete your absentee ballot request form - known as the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA).

Print, Sign & Mail

Print, Sign & Mail

Print, Sign and Mail your FCPA.

Receive Your Ballot

Receive Your Ballot

Your U.S. county Board of Elections sends you an Absentee Ballot.

Cast Your Vote!

Cast Your Vote!

Submit your completed Absentee Ballot to your U.S. county Board of Elections. Send it by mail, drop off at the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, or if your county allows, e-mail it back to your county.

About Us

iVoteIsrael is comprised of a diverse group of Olim from America, including recent-arrivals as well as vatikim from all over the country, who are concerned about the safety, security and future of America and Israel.

We want to see elected officials who will keep America strong and support and stand by Israel in absolute commitment to Israel's safety, security and right to self-defense.

As Americans living in Israel, we believe that voting in the U.S. elections is the best way to make our voices heard. Register to vote, assert your voice and help safeguard the future of America and Israel.

iVoteIsrael is a project of Americans for Jerusalem, a registered 501(c)4. We do not support any specific candidate or candidate’s committee.